Monday, January 08, 2007


Tonight on CNN with Paula Zahn (8pm EST) there is a segment about Chinese adoption. This segement is in response to another segment that ran last Friday where a panel of "experts" reported that people who adopt from China are simply looking for an intelligent child.

Here is an exerpt from the transcript. It is in response to the question "What's the big deal with Chinese children? What's the infatuation?"

MARTIN: Maybe they think they can adopt a smart kid that is going to grow up to be a doctor? I don't know. They need to realize that's called training, not just inherent, it will happen when they're born. Angel, help me out.
MALDONADO: Absolutely. This is something I've been looking into for a long time. Americans have this love affair with girls from China. There is this belief, this perception, irrational as it might be that if you adopt a little girl from China, she's going to be intelligent, she's going to be more lovable.
MARTIN: Like the porcelain doll.

Well, needless to say the International Adoption Community went nuts. Thousands of people sent emails and letters so CNN decided to have another discussion tonight. This time the panel will have adoptive parents and representatives from adoption agencies. This will probably not interest most of you, but since we are all involved with international adoption from this point forward I thought you might want to know what some people say about it.


Anonymous said...

That is just so sad and shallow. The thought of only wanting a child so that it will be smart is ridiculous. It's been an American interest because there are so many little girls that need homes.

On a side note, I was remembering all our Chinese friends from college. I haven't heard anything about them in what seems years. I've also forgotten a lot of what Qin taught me. All I can remember is stupid monkey...I don't know if you'll want to teach your child that....hahahaha.

Allison said...

Beck, I don't remember anything but "doctor" that's what she called me. Kevin and I were talking the other day about how funny it would be if we had a Chinese daughter who turned out to be 6' tall! Dennis would LOVE me!

Anonymous said...

yes he would! You know really i think there are enough ex pacific players with daughters to make up a team.

Heather- Cambree and she's pregnant again too early to tell if boy or girl.
Kelly- Emma and she's pregnant again but I don't know if it's a boy or girl
Jill- Not sure of her name
Rhonda- she's having a girl who's due in the spring.
Trisha- two twin boys Houston and Hayden.
Allison- bringing some international flava! (I had to I couldn't resist)

I think that's everyone. I thought there is a lot more than there was. We don't have enough yet but, I think we are well on our way in having ourselves a volleyball team.

I'll just coach, but I don't know if I can deal with all the parents, I heard they can be jerks...hahahaha

Allison said...

Yeah, Dennis may have retired by the time all our kids are in college. I would volunteer to be the trainer, but I will be so done with athletic training by then! I will make your life miserable as a parent! ;)

Megan (aka Emme) said...

There will never be an end to ignorance untill Jesus comes.

So how was the Monday night show?

Allison said...

The MOnday night show was ok. They still let the Martin guy speak, he was full of nothing good. However, they are not letting the subject die. There was something else on Thursday, but I was unable to watch. Unfortunately it is turing into a circus, just like everything else in the news. I have chosen to in=gnore it all.

Anonymous said...

The responses of that guy just show how ignorant poeple can be. He also doesn't sound like he has a very loving heart, cause if he did he would know why people choose China. Guaranteed little girls, beautiful ones at that!