Thursday, February 01, 2007


I feel like I should explain a little better about the wait time for our referral. I know I have said it can change, but I would like to give an example. The people who are receiving their referrals right now (actually 2/1/07) were LID in between 9/28/05-10/13/05. When they began the process they were told that their wait time would be 6-9 ended up being 16 months. I say that so you can understand that NOTHING is guaranteed. We can only guess based on what we see right now. A lot of people think the wait time will get longer and longer, maybe up to 24 months. However, there are some new restrictions that the CCAA has put out that will take effect 5/1/07. This will reduce the number of applicants significantly, but that will not decrease the number of applicants who have already been logged in. I don't know if I made this more confusing or cleared things up. I guess I say this so everyone knows that my estimate on when we will get a referral is just a best guess. Over the course of the next 16 months this could change 20 times, so just be ready.


Megan (aka Emme) said...

I just keep thinking how amazing it is that at the end of all this waiting and wondering is YOUR BABY!!!!

Anonymous said...

So, we have to quit anticipating just because it may take longer... don't think so.

Allison said...

No dad, it just means we should be ready at all times, maybe things will happen faster!